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GMB Portsmouth

Fighting for your Rights across Portsmouth and surrounding area
Gmb Portsmouth General X21 Branch is the branch for the Portsmouth Area.

Based at Portsmouth Civic Offices it supports members in over 62 different employers across the region, ranging from public services, construction, social care and education.

All workplace representatives undergo a comprehensive training programme covering Employment issues,health and Safety, equality and Well being allowing all to strive to becoming better as a person and negotiator working and representing the members.
Your GMB membership provides you with lots of additional benefits and offers, over and above GMB's assistance in your workplace, providing a whole range of products that we need to use at some point during our lives.
There are no events at the moment, please check back later.
There are many good reasons to join GMB, not only for you personally but for your family too. A safer workplace, better job security, better pay, brighter prospects and better and safer pensions are just some reasons.
We’re here to help our members with any workplace issues; discrimination, discipline & dismissal, maternity leave, pay, holidays, pensions, redundancy, health & safety, etc. Contact us now so we can provide you with the advice and help that you need.
It’s only with the help and support of our members that we can push for change, ensuring a safer and fairer work place and society. Take a look at the forthcoming events that you can join in with or please get in touch to see how else you can be involved.
The branch committee will be holding a Virtual Branch officer meeting on Tuesday 9th June. Using Microsoft teams it is…
Forced by ‘penny-pinching’ employer, wardens across four boroughs will stop issuing tickets from today...